2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Melissia Anson's blog ::Online Drug and Alcohol Awareness Classes Fight the War on Addiction

Melissia Anson's blog ::Online Drug and Alcohol Awareness Classes Fight the War on Addiction

               Online               classes               sound               super               convenient.

Many               would               sign               up               thinking               that               they               don't               take               that               much               time               at               all.

The               truth               is               it               all               depends               on               your               professor               how               much               time               you               will               spend               on               homework.

Some               professors               want               a               lot,               some               want               a               very               little,               others               have               found               that               happy               medium.

If               I               had               known               someone               who               was               taking               all               of               their               courses               online               before               I               signed               up               these               are               the               five               things               I               wish               they               would               have               told               me.

The               reading               is               important,               but               don't               let               it               drain               your               time.

You               have               to               read               the               chapters,               articles,               web               pages,               or               whatever               else               is               assigned               to               understand.

Many               times               these               materials               take               the               place               of               lectures               in               some               online               classes.

Without               reading               the               material               you               will               not               understand               the               subject               fully.

That               being               said,               you               do               not               have               to               memorize               everything               word               for               word.

Read               the               readings               in               a               "skimming"               way.

Make               note               of               or               highlight               important               points.

An               excellent               way               to               spot               important               points               is               to               read               the               assignments               and               discussion               questions               for               the               week               before               doing               the               reading.

APA               style               is               easy               to               master.

I               say               this               because               I               have               checked               the               style               manual,               a               few               thousand               times               and               then               I               found               a               fool               proof               method               (almost).

Save               your               work               that               you               have               completed               in               APA.

Take               one               paper               that               you               have               check,               and               rechecked,               for               APA               style               correctness               and               "SAVE               AS"               in               Word               "APA               PAPER               TEMPLATE".

Then               each               week               when               you               begin               to               write               your               paper,               open               a               Word               Document,               go               to               "File",               "New",               "Create               from               Existing"               and               then               select               "APA               Paper               Template".

This               will               open               the               template               paper.

Delete               old               content,               replace               the               date,               professor               name,               change               the               title               on               the               cover               page               and               page               one,               correct               the               header,               and               replace               the               references               with               the               new               references.

Then               click               "Save               AS"               and               title               it               appropriately.

The               original               template               will               stay               intact               and               you               don't               have               to               remember               to               format               every               little               thing               on               a               new               document               each               week.

Son               of               Citation               Machine               and               ProQuest               "Cite"               is               rarely               wrong.

I               hate,               repeat               hate,               making               citations               for               paper.

I               always               goof               up               something               even               if               I               am               looking               in               the               style               manual.

No               web               site               will               be               correct               100%               of               the               time               but               as               long               as               you               proof               the               final               product,               it               is               a               great               way               to               get               a               little               help               with               the               citations.

In               the               Library               for               your               school               if               you               search               for               articles               in               Ebsco               Host               or               ProQuest               you               can               click               on               the               "Cite"               button               and               get               a               fully               formatted               APA               citation.

If               you               are               doing               research               from               actual               books               or               other               web               sites               then               search               for               "Son               of               Citation               Machine"               and               choose               APA               format               with               the               latest               edition               and               choose               the               media               form               you               are               using.

Fill               in               the               blanks               and               get               a               formatted               citation               to               copy               and               paste.

Work               Ahead               instead               of               Behind               Many               online               courses               last               anywhere               from               four               to               ten               weeks               from               start               to               finish.

This               is               a               very               short               amount               of               time               if               you               fall               behind               to               play               catch               up               and               chances               are               whatever               got               you               behind               to               start               with               will               keep               you               from               catching               up.

That               is               why               it               is               better               to               get               ahead               of               the               game               than               to               lag               behind.

Set               aside               an               hour               or               two               a               few               days               a               week,               I               do               Thursday               and               Monday               because               those               are               the               days               I               have               items               due.

If               homework               time               is               from               8-10pm               that               night               I               do               not               stop               until               10pm               even               if               I               have               finished               the               assignments               for               that               week,               I               work               ahead,               writing               the               discussion               posts,               reading,               and               working               on               papers               all               days               or               weeks               before               they               are               due.

This               prevents               the               last               minute               mad               dash               to               finish               a               12               page               research               paper               in               two               hours               and               last               minute               emails               to               professors               begging               for               an               extension               because               the               laptop               battery               died               and               my               paper               is               stuck               in               purgatory               somewhere.

Online               Books               Stink               No,               I               am               not               some               book               purist               who               thinks               that               the               written               word               should               always               be               bound               and               printed.

I               own               a               Kindle               and               I               love               it.

Academic               books               online               are               what               stink.

When               you               are               trying               to               read               four               chapters               a               week               about               Macroeconomic               theory               it               would               be               better               to               be               able               to               curl               up               on               the               couch               with               the               book               in               hand               to               look               at               the               charts               and               graphs               than               be               tied               to               a               computer               screen               staring               at               the               words               and               never               really               digesting               them.

Plus               it               has               been               proven               that               paper               reading               speed               is               faster               than               screen               reading               speed.

Try               reading               200               pages               a               week               about               business               law               and               tort               reform               and               see               what               a               difference               it               makes.

It               is               also               difficult               to               go               back               to               find               information               in               an               online               book               form               than               flipping               through               pages,               at               least               in               my               opinion.

So               when               confronted               each               class               with               the               "Order               Materials"               button,               it               may               be               worth               the               extra               $20-$50               to               buy               a               used               copy               than               to               get               the               e-book.

Plus               I               have               actually               saved               a               ton               of               money               by               renting               books               rather               than               buying               the               e-book.
               These               are               just               the               highlights               of               the               things               I               wish               I               had               known               four               years               (and               four               degrees)               ago               when               I               started               school               online.

I               think               that               the               list               will               vary               from               person               to               person               but               in               general               these               are               the               things               that               have               made               the               biggest               difference               in               my               long,               long,               long               pursuit               of               higher               education.

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why online classes

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