2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Melissia Anson's blog ::Latest Prager University Course Crushes Opponents of Capital Punishment

Melissia Anson's blog ::Latest Prager University Course Crushes Opponents of Capital Punishment

Growing               up               in               England,               I               always               heard               about               The               Open               University               and               the               advantages               it               offered               to               people               who               otherwise               might               not               be               able               to               get               a               university               degree.

I               didn't               know               much               about               it               though               until               25               years               ago               when               my               uncle               enrolled               in               an               Open               University               program               to               get               a               teaching               degree.

He               was               30               years               old,               married               with               kids               and               wanted               to               do               something               different               with               his               life.

He               couldn't               go               to               university               full-time               as               he               had               to               take               care               of               his               family,               so               the               UK's               The               Open               University               gave               him               another               way               to               get               a               university               degree               and               to               fulfill               his               dream               of               being               a               teacher.

The               UK's               Open               University               has               almost               200,000               students               enrolled               in               undergraduate               or               graduate               degree               programs               via               distance               learning,               with               25,000               of               them               being               outside               the               UK.

If               you               are               thinking               of               enrolling               in               a               degree               program               in               The               Open               University,               there               are               many               advantages               to               doing               so.

The               Cost               of               an               Open               University               Degree               -               With               the               cost               for               an               Open               University               Degree               currently               running               an               average               of               between               £3,500-5,000               ($5,750-8,215)               for               an               undergraduate               or               postgraduate               degree,               it's               a               much               cheaper               option               than               paying               to               go               to               a               UK               university               full-time               with               all               the               associated               fees,               living               costs,               accommodation,               loss               of               income               etc.

that               goes               along               with               it.
               You               Can               Work               Full-Time               While               Taking               an               Open               University               Degree               -               One               of               the               big               reasons               why               many               adults               decide               not               to               pursue               a               university               degree               is               the               money               they               will               lose               if               they               have               to               leave               their               full-time               jobs               for               2-4               years.

Many               adults               have               families               and               kids,               just               like               my               uncle               did,               so               there's               no               way               going               back               to               school               full-time               is               even               an               option.

The               Open               University               degree               gives               you               the               advantage               of               being               able               to               study               for               a               degree               while               still               working               full-time               and               living               your               normal               life.
               You               Can               Study               for               an               Open               University               Degree               in               the               UK               or               Outside               the               UK               -               Whether               you               are               a               UK               citizen               or               living               in               the               UK,               or               not               a               UK               citizen               and               not               resident               in               the               UK,               you               can               still               study               for               an               Open               University               degree.

Not               every               degree               is               available               for               those               living               outside               the               UK,               but               there               are               enough               choices               that               more               than               25,000               students               every               year               study               for               university               degrees               through               the               UK's               Open               University               while               not               living               in               the               country.
               There               are               no               Enrollment               Qualifications               for               Undergraduate               Degrees               -               It               doesn't               matter               if               you               did               well               in               high               school               or               not,               have               the               pre-requisites,               SAT               scores,               O               Levels               or               A               Levels               that               other               UK               universities               require,               the               Open               University               has               no               enrollment               qualifications               for               undergraduate               degrees.

So,               if               you               think               you               can               handle               the               program               and               be               able               to               do               the               work               necessary               to               pass               all               your               courses               and               gain               a               university               degree,               go               for               it.

The               Open               University               certainly               won't               stop               you.
               You               Can               Study               in               Your               Own               Time               -               All               of               the               studying               through               The               Open               University               is               done               via               distance               learning               either               on               the               internet,               by               DVD,               radio               or               TV,               or               by               correspondence.

So               you               don't               have               to               physically               be               sitting               in               a               class               by               a               certain               time.

You               can               study               at               3am               on               a               Thursday               or               at               11pm               on               a               Sunday               evening.

As               long               as               you               get               the               work               done               and               handed               in               by               the               deadline,               it               doesn't               matter               when               you               do               it.

This               is               an               enormous               advantage               for               those               who               work               full-time               and               couldn't               arrange               their               classes               around               a               traditional               university               schedule.
               The               Open               University               Degree               is               Available               To               Those               With               Special               Circumstances               -               One               of               the               best               advantages               of               taking               an               Open               University               degree               in               the               UK               is               for               those               who               have               special               circumstances.

A               percentage               of               students               every               year               who               are               enrolled               in               Open               University               degree               programs               are               disabled,               serving               time               in               prison,               not               able               to               give               up               a               full-time               job,               serving               in               the               military               overseas,               or               have               to               take               care               of               sick               family               members.

Traditional               university               degrees               would               never               be               an               option               for               them,               but               The               Open               University               works               with               them               to               make               sure               they               too               have               the               opportunity               to               pursue               a               university               degree.
               Teachers               are               Excellent               on               Open               University               Courses               -               The               Open               University               has               twice               ended               up               in               first               place               in               a               survey               that               was               given               to               UK               students               on               teaching               excellence.

The               Open               University               students               were               so               satisfied               with               the               level               of               teaching               they               received               and               the               teachers               they               interacted               with               that               they               give               The               Open               University               top               marks.
               There               Are               Many               Courses               and               Degree               Subjects               Available               -               Through               The               Open               University,               you               can               study               for               a               degree               in               English,               Math,               Science,               Education,               Accounting               and               Finance,               Criminology,               Geography,               Environmental               Studies,               and               pretty               much               anything               else               you               could               want               to               study.
               The               Open               University               Offers               'Open'               Bachelors               Degrees               -               You               can               even               design               your               own               Bachelors               Degree               through               the               Open               University               by               choosing               the               courses               you               want               to               take               to               make               up               the               syllabus               of               a               degree               you               want.
               There               are               so               many               advantages               to               taking               courses               towards               earning               an               undergraduate               or               graduate               degree               at               The               Open               University.

If               you               want               to               work               towards               a               university               degree               but               don't               have               the               time               or               money               to               pursue               a               full-time               degree               at               a               traditional               university,               think               about               going               through               The               Open               University.

Over               2               million               other               people               have               in               the               last               40               years,               most               of               who               have               seen               great               benefit               from               it.
               SOURCES:               The               Open               University

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