2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Melissia Anson's blog ::Class War Rages Inside the Viper Dens and Out in the Streets

Melissia Anson's blog ::Class War Rages Inside the Viper Dens and Out in the Streets

Currently               pregnant               with               my               third               child,               I               have               been               pregnant               two               times               before               and               for               at               least               part               of               both               of               those               I               was               a               part               of               the               WIC               program,               for               this               pregnancy               though               I               am               more               destitute               than               I               was               during               either               of               the               other               two               I               will               not               be.

I               am               however               receiving               Food               Benefits               through               the               EBT               (Electronic               Benefits               Transfer)               here               in               Washington               state,               and               for               a               very               short               period               of               time               in               2006               I               received               them               in               NY,               so               I               will               share               the               experiences               I               have               had               with               those               as               well.

Like               many               people,               I               waited               as               long               as               I               possibly               could               to               even               apply               for               food               stamps.

My               husband               and               I               both               are               for               the               most               part               entrepreneurial               and               kept               on               telling               ourselves               and               each               other               "Something               will               come               through               soon...Something.".

We               are               employable               (aside               from               my               growing               belly!)               and               our               most               recent               jobs               paid               between               $26-125/hr,               I               only               mention               this               because               we               thought               we               were               above               asking               for               help,               but               as               you               will               see               at               the               end,               it               is               absolutely               worth               looking               into               if               you               are               facing               unexpected               hard               times.

Our               ventures               are               looking               good               but               they               are               taking               time               and               a               lot               of               work               without               pay...for               us               it               took               realizing               we               might               lose               our               house               in               the               next               2               months,               having               our               water               shut               off               about               a               week               or               two               ago               (with               electricity               scheduled               to               be               shut               off               the               next               day),               losing               health               insurance,               and               having               nights               we               literally               we               scrounging               the               cupboards               &               fridge               which               had               2+               empty               shelves               to               find               food               for               our               beautiful               children.

Decisions               between               money               going               to               food,               insurance,               gas,               or               bills               were               difficult.
               Last               week               on               Friday               I               decided               to               go               for               it,               I               submitted               the               application               online               and               called               them               yesterday               to               follow               up,               finished               the               interview               on               the               phone,               and               then               today               I               was               able               to               go               pick               up               our               EBT,               or               "Electric               Benefits               Transfer"               card               and               get               some               real               grocery               shopping               done.

For               comparison               in               NYC               I               was               a               single               mom               who               had               just               left               an               abusive               relationship               and               it               took               almost               four               months               to               get               food               stamps,               the               main               complication               being               that               as               I               had               left               where               we               were               living               and               was               staying               with               various               friends,               no               stable               address               was               a               problem.

I               used               WIC               in               NYC               much               more               than               Food               Benefits.
               Why               not               WIC?
               As               I               mentioned,               I               am               pregnant,               it               doesn't               take               much               more               than               that               to               be               able               to               get               WIC               (Women               Infant               Children)               which               provides               only               non-organic               milk,               eggs,               cheese,               beans,               carrots,               cereal,               peanut               butter,               juice               &               sometimes               there               is               vouchers               for               fruits               and               vegetables               too,               though               for               me               that               was               only               in               the               summer               in               NYC               that               I               was               able               to               get               those.

What               I               didn't               mention               is               that               both               myself               and               my               husband,               so               likely               our               children               too,               are               allergic               to               dairy,               eggs,               many               grains               (definitely               gluten),               and               I               am               also               allergic               to               most               beans               &               peanuts.

Also               we               are               a               family               that               takes               the               risks               of               eating               non-organic               food               very               seriously               because               we               have               done               a               lot               of               research               on               the               subject               and               it               is               a               decision               we               have               made               to               get               organic               as               much               as               possible               since               we               eat               a               lot               of               fruits,               vegetables               and               meat               to               avoid               our               allergies.

In               New               York               when               I               was               there               the               WIC               foods               I               got               often               couldn't               be               kept,               we               would               eat               the               cereal               but               leave               the               perishable               milk,               cheese,               and               eggs               at               friends               houses               because               being               in               my               car               most               of               the               time               they               would               not               stay               good.
               Why               not               just               skip               those               items?
               Well,               with               WIC,               you               get               a               check               that               has               a               list               of               very               specific               items               that               you               must               buy               the               items               on               the               check               which               often               has               many               gallons               of               milk,               containers               of               eggs               etc.

Morally,               it               doesn't               seem               right               to               me               that               we               go               get               these               benefits               when               we               will               only               eat               a               fraction               of               what               it               offers,               not               to               mention               increasing               the               popularity               of               a               program               that               is               promoting               such               a               diet               that               is               so               highly               dairy               and               grain               that               neglects               needs               like               fruits               and               vegetables.

We               have               not               had               our               kids               tested               yet               though               we               know               through               our               own               allergy               experiences               that               dairy,               egg,               and               gluten               are               some               of               the               most               common               allergies               and               we               don't               want               to               feed               our               children               a               diet               that               mostly               consists               of               that               kind               of               thing.

Also               the               links               between               diary               or               grains               to               my               diagnosis               of               MS               are               startling,               and               I               don't               want               to               play               any               games               with               that.
               So               What               is               Food               Stamps               or               EBT?
               With               these               benefits,               the               customer/beneficiary               of               the               funds               has               a               lot               more               flexibility,               which               I               do               see               as               something               that               can               be               good               or               bad,               but               for               me               and               my               family               it               is               great.

To               be               able               to               buy               gluten-free               flour               to               cook               with,               goat               milk,               tons               of               fruits               and               vegetables               and               some               organic               meat               too               with               it               is               a               dream               come               true.

Only               limits               with               food               benefits               are               the               amount               of               money               you               have               to               spend               which               depends               on               income               and               that               you               only               use               it               to               purchase               food,               no               diapers               or               toilet               paper               for               instance.
               What               this               means               for               me
               At               this               point,               most               of               the               money               we               have               is               from               these               articles               that               I               am               writing               for               Yahoo,               and               what               this               means               is               that               the               money               I               get               from               that               can               go               towards               gas               to               get               my               husband               to               his               job               interviews,               and               to               get               me               to               my               midwife               appointments               and               my               daughters               to               their               classes.

We               don't               have               to               decide               if               the               4               dollars               we               scrounged               up               in               quarters               will               go               towards               gas               or               if               we               can               get               a               decent               meal               out               of               it               which               is               a               massively               huge               benefit.
               Of               course               once               a               job               does               come               by               we               will               have               to               say               good               bye               to               these               lovely               benefits               but               until               then,               I               feel               much               better               knowing               that               my               kids               are               taken               care               of.
               Articles               Linked               to:
               Other               Sources:
               PaleoDiet.com               -               http://paleodiet.com/ms/MSCordain.txt

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